Living in Arizona, we may not celebrate fall like some people do with leaf peeping and raking leaves. But, we can celebrate Fall Car Care Month!
In fact, living in Arizona makes it even more important that we focus on fall car care. Why? Because of the hot summer temperatures our vehicles must endure. While we love living in a temperate climate, there are certain vehicle parts that wear out faster due to being exposed to heat and sun.
Let’s take a closer look at what should be on your fall car care list.
9 Essentials for Fall Car Care
- Belts and hoses – You know what doesn’t like our hot weather? Rubber, and that’s what many belts and hoses are made of. Fall car care includes checking to make sure belts and hoses are still intact and not cracked or broken.
- Wiper blades – These guys are absolutely essential during our monsoon season but the hot summer sun does a number on them, too. If you notice streaking, squeaking, or cracking, it’s time to get new blades.
- Tires – Your ability to drive safely depends on how well your tires come in contact with the road. Check tire tread and pressure to make sure both are appropriate. Also look for signs of wear and tear, like bald spots or bulges, that could leave you having to drive on a spare tire.
- Brakes – Your brakes are essential for driving safety as well. We recommend a brake inspection at least once a year. NOW is the time for one if you haven’t had one recently.
- Battery – Contrary to common belief, heat is actually your battery’s worst enemy, not cold. Schedule an appointment for battery service to make sure your battery is in good condition after our blazing hot summer.
- Lights – One of the downsides of winter is the shorter daylight hours. That means your headlights will be even more important during the winter months. Make sure they’re ready for the job!
- Vehicle fluids – Heat can make fluids evaporate and disappear, whether that’s from a mud puddle or in your vehicle! Check all your vehicle’s important fluids to make sure they’re at the right levels after the summer heat and top off if necessary.
- Heating and air conditioning – We may not face the cold temperatures other areas of the country do during winter, but you’re still going to want to make sure your heat and defrost are in great working condition for those cooler days.
- Wash and wax – If you haven’t done it recently, give your car a good cleaning and top off with a waxing. You’ll wash away any debris left from summer driving and give it good protection for any inclement winter weather we may have.
Get Preventative Maintenance at Your Favorite Tempe Auto Repair Shop
Fall Car Care Month may be the perfect time to catch up on preventative maintenance and make sure your vehicle is ready for cooler weather ahead. But, that doesn’t mean you have to do it all yourself!
Instead, trust your fall car care to our Tempe auto repair experts. Our ASE-certified technicians are happy to handle all your vehicle maintenance needs so YOU can get back to enjoying fall. Simply give us a call or schedule an appointment online today!
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