How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

No More Procrastination!

We are all guilty of it; putting off our oil change even though the little light on the dashboard is on. It stares us in the face every time we start our vehicle, and we think we can make it another month before we really need to get it changed. The truth is, regularly keeping up with your oil change is the single most important things a driver can do to extend the life of the engine. Preventative maintenance is important in keeping your vehicle healthy, long-lasting, and cost-effective. Getting your oil changed falls under that very category. Without regular fluid checks and changes, your car could end up in big trouble. Without a good lubricant (oil), parts of the engine (expensive) rub together and wear each other out. Every driver has two choices when it comes to changing their oil – do it yourself, or bring it to your local mechanic.

Most auto repair facilities suggest a driver changes their oil every 3,000 to 6,000 miles. The average American tends to go over that recommendation because of time restraints or cost. We here at Good Works Auto Repair try to give our customers reliable and quick service while also providing discounts and specials to make the cost of vehicle maintenance more affordable.

Checking your engine oil yourself is a simple task. First and foremost, never check the oil when the engine is still hot. Let your vehicle rest and cool down before beginning this task. Also, make sure your car is parked on flat ground to get an accurate reading. Under your hood is the dipstick (the long rod). Pull it out and wipe it off with a clean rag or paper towel. Next, re-insert the dipstick into the engine until it goes all the way down. When pulling it out, keep it held in the same direction, as you don’t want the oil to run down the stick and ruin your reading. There will be two marks on the dipstick to check the level. If it’s between the two marks, you’re good to go. If it’s below the bottom mark, you need to add a enough oil to bring the level up between the marks. Never add more than a quart at once without driving and taking a new reading of the oil level. Overfilling the engine can be messy.

Good Works Auto Repair wants to help you take care of your vehicle. Each time you bring your vehicle in for any service, we go through a basic checklist of vehicle health. And to provide extra incentive for our customers, we will give a discounted oil change to anyone who brings a donation for our troops. Vehicle health is important to us. We encourage our customers to check your oil each month, and take care of your engine. After checking your oil, if you are not sure where to go from there, bring it on in and we will be sure to take care of your vehicle for you. The engine is the heart of the vehicle and the oil, the blood. Keep it healthy and don’t wait to change your oil if you’re up over that 3,000 mile mark.

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