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Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Get a routine service check before winter weather arrives

Here in Arizona, we are fortunate to not have to some of the treacherous driving conditions that other parts of the nation face. We don’t have the icy roads, blizzard conditions, or hail storms damaging vehicles. But after a long hot Southwest summer, there are still some routine service checks an auto repair shop can do for us to ensure our cars are running safely and properly for the winter conditions we do face.

Rainy conditions in Arizona appear during some of our winter months, creating slippery driving conditions on many asphalt roads. Ensuring tires are properly inflated and have enough tread at your local repair shop can help keep your family or passengers safe in your vehicle with enough traction to cause unnecessary accidents.

Likewise, hot summers can mean that our batteries may be drained. A repair shop Arizona can check your battery condition to keep you from those headaches of a dead battery in those unwanted situations. According to the Car Care Council, summer can be the season for major car-battery problems. If you didn’t have any problems which lead to your battery being changed or inspected, it may be a good time to do so now. Experts state that heat and overcharging are the main reasons for shortened battery life. Heat can cause the fluid in the battery to evaporate, causing damage to the internal structure of the battery. One problem for example would be a malfunctioning component in the charging system – usually the voltage regulator, allowing too high a charging rate. This slow death can lead to unnecessary problems for drivers.

Statistics from a recent National Car Care Month inspection campaign show battery cables, clamps and terminals were found to need maintenance in 17 percent of the vehicles and 9 percent of the batteries were not properly held down. To get the most life out of a battery, the Car Care Council suggests the following: Be sure the electrical system is charging at the correct rate; overcharging can damage a battery as quickly as undercharging. If your battery is the type that needs to be topped off, check it regularly, especially in hot weather. Add distilled water when necessary. Always replace a battery with one that’s rated at least as high as the one originally specified. Keep the top of the battery clean. Dirt becomes a conductor, which drains battery power. Further, as corrosion accumulates on battery terminals it becomes an insulator, inhibiting current flow.

Don’t wait until it is too late. Take your car to your local auto repair shop soon to make sure that the hot Arizona summer hasn’t taken its toll on your vehicle.

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