How Much to Fix It?

Information about auto repair and preventive maintenance

Budget for Auto Repair or Buy New: Which is better?


office-620822_1280It’s the question that has been haunting drivers for decades. Do you keep your vehicle and budget money for auto repairs or do you buy a new vehicle once your warranty is up? No one wants to put tons of money into major automotive repairs, but if your vehicle is paid off and you can still safely and comfortably drive your vehicle, is that the best thing to do? Vehicles on the road these days are lasting longer, but how do you know when it’s time to trade her in? That’s exactly what is examined in an episode of Bumper to Bumper radio.

We see it all the time here at our repair shop; people have major repairs and get so stressed out finding ways to pay for them. Their warranty is up, but they still want to drive their used vehicle. Preventative maintenance during your vehicle’s life can certainly help, but here are some tips to follow from the advice of the professionals:

  • Know and plan out those service interval schedules and preventative maintenance items. You’ll know what you’ll have to spend on repairs and services, no matter what mileage you have. You can budget these services and plan for exactly what your vehicle needs. Our repair technicians can walk you through this and explain what is needed.
  • Save the money that WAS your car payment. We know you’re concerned about coming up with major bucks, but if you plan ahead, there won’t be that moment of panic when something happens. It’s a pretty good bet that your older vehicle is going to break down at some point – use those saved car payments to finance your repairs!
  • If you are driving past 100,000 miles on a vehicle, you will probably need some new parts – however, that doesn’t warrant going out and buying a new $40,000 vehicle. That’s way more expensive!
  • Used vehicles will always need brakes, tires, alignments and oil changes. The older they get, the more they may need. Setting aside money now will save your the headache when you need it.
  • When you begin to think about a new car payment, make sure you include preventative maintenance, repairs and higher insurance costs as well. What you think you are paying may actually be more.

Don’t be car poor. Pay attention to your vehicle’s needs from the beginning to the end. THAT’S how you’ll save big time!

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